Patriarch Men's Groups read the Biblical narrative from the lens of fatherly leadership. It is right to do this for three reasons:
First, all the main characters in Genesis, and most of the main characters in the Old Testament are literally fathers. They are men who had direct contact with God, sexual relations with their wives, and fatherly authority over the instruction and training of their children. Scripture is full of stories about dads.
Secondly, the Bible was written by men with the intention of forming their sons, and so there are not only spiritual lessons in the Bible, there are a familial lessons in the Bible. The fact that the Bible was written by men and for men, may be offensive to our modern sense of political correctness, but this does not change the reality that in ancient Israel, men were writing and recording scripture with the intent of passing it down to their sons. The Bible is not only about men and families, the Bible was written to form men and families. Too often we think of the Bible as forming only our relationship with God. The Bible is also meant to form our relationships as fatherly leaders.
Finally, the Bible is about God, whom we know is a Patriarchy. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the Father is primary. The Son is begotten FROM the Father. The Spirit proceeds FROM the Father. If God is firstly Father, and eternally Son and Spirit, then the more we come to know God’s Fatherhood, the more we come to know the godly Patriarchy. Because we are in the image and likeness of God, we come to know the model Patriarch when we perceive how God responds to blessing and sin, to provision and punishment.
1. The main characters of much of the Bible are dads.
2. The Bible was written by men to form men into leaders.
3. Since the Bible is about a God who is also Father, the more we come to know the Biblical God the better we come to an understanding of Divine Patriarchy.