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There is no charge to use any Patriarch materials. We encourage groups to use the first few sessions to determine whether Patriarch will be right for you. If you decide to continue with the remaining Patriarch curriculum, please register your group. We will not spam you or sell your information, we simply want to track where Patriarch curriculum is being used.
If you feel Patriarch is a valuable resource, please consider making a donation, however, our goal is simply for you to be blessed and encouraged in the leadership of your family. All donations support the continued development and promotion of Patriarch Men's Groups.
Genesis 1-9 Be Fruitful & Multiply
Genesis 12-20 Abraham, The Father of Nations
Genesis 21-26 Isaac, The Promised Son of Abraham
Genesis 27-35 Jacob, The Blessed Father of the Tribes of Israel
Genesis 37-50 Joseph, The Last of the Patriarchs